
This study presents the molluscan species diversity along the Turkish coasts. The compilation of the available references revealed a total of 1065 species belonging to 7 classes (Caudofoveata, Solenogastres, Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, and Cephalopoda). Most of the reported species belong to the class Gastropoda (706 species), followed by Bivalvia (279 species), Cephalopoda (50 species), Polyplacophora (17 species), Scaphopoda (10 species), Caudofoveata (2 species), and Solenogastres (1 species). Among the coasts of Turkey, the highest number of molluscan species was recorded from the Aegean Sea (825 species), followed by the Levantine Sea (807 species), Sea of Marmara (537 species), and the Black Sea (155 species). Of the 1065 mollusc taxa, 118 species are alien ones that originated outside the Mediterranean Sea. Among the listed species, Timoclea roemeriana (Bivalvia), and Sepiola ligulata and Abraliopsis morisii (both from Cephalopoda) are new records for the Turkish mollusc fauna, 11 species of the classes Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, and Bivalvia (Leptochiton boettgeri, Cerithium protractum, Similiphora similior, Cerithiopsis diadema, Rissoa guerinii, Crepidula moulinsii, Crepidula unguiformis, Bela zenetouae, Doto coronata, Lima marioni, and Limaria loscombi) are new reports for the Levantine coast of Turkey, and 2 gastropod species (Acirsa subdecussata and Monotygma lauta) are new reports for the Aegean coast of Turkey. Among the listed taxa, 27 species have been classified in the IUCN Red List or Barcelona/Bern Conventions.

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