
Standing crop in 204 grab and diver-operated airlift samples taken in Lancaster Sound, Eclipse Sound, and northern and central Baffin Bay at depths of 5-1088 m was highest between 15 and 105 m. Standing crop was highest in Lancaster Sound and least in central Baffin Bay. Three species assemblages derived by factor analysis bore some similarities to communities described by other workers. Depth and location were better predictors of community composition and standing crop than were depth and substrate. The narrow range of grain size found in any one depth range probably accounts for the relative lack of substrate effect on standing crop and community composition. Differences among areas probably related to food availability. High standing crop and communities including filter feeders may be maintained to considerable depths in Lancaster Sound by high current speeds and possible high primary productivity. Currents are weaker and biomass lower in northern Baffin Bay than in Lancaster Sound. The weakest currents were found in Eclipse Sound and central Baffin Bay; deposit feeders and low biomass characterized depths >25 m in both areas.Key words: benthos, community structure, standing crop, multivariate analyses, Canada, High Arctic

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