
This paper presents the work of Maria Teixeira School-MTS as a pedagogical methodology of social and educational inclusion, and making a historical review of its trajectory. MTS is a non-profit institution located in the countryside of Luziânia city, (Brazil), promoting 1st phase of elementary school and youth and adult education. In 2013, offered free and quality educational service for 208 students, among children, teenagers and adults from low-income families in the common and special, under the educational inclusion. About 60 students have some type of disabilities, such as: Down syndrome, autism, mental, physical, auditory deficiencies. The proposal is based on constructivism and educational, technological and social inclusion. Founded in 1994, MTS has worked since its origin with the “pedagogy of respect for differences”, understanding difference as richness. Stimulates the development of efficiencies instead of highlighting the deficiencies. Luziânia is considered the 16th most violent city in Brazil, with few opportunities for young people at social risk. MTS adopts the Brazilian Sign Language as a discipline. Everyone learns LIBRAS, not just the deaf students. In addition, LIBRAS is used as an alternative communication to listeners students with difficulty speech, with great results. MTS has an ecological action with recycled material, promoting sustainable productive chain, avoiding waste, generating income with craft workshops from the transformed objects sale. MTS presented their demands to the group of engineers involved in humanitarian technology, being an NGO-partner of the IEEE-SIGHT-PUCMinas because of the need for accessible and assistive technologies appropriate technologies and innovative teaching methodology.

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