
The basic goal of the paper is to discuss the actual position and prospects of individuals in post-modern surroundings, from the perspective of their social integration, responsible social participation and acquiring and preserving of personal identity. Contemporary sociological theories that talk about "the end of history", "open society", globalization as world-historical process, as well as the ruling liberal-democratic ideological-political doctrine, also talk a lot about and put in their fundaments the thesis of finally liberated individual, of autonomous person of "our age", that in the conditions of free market exchange and deal freely chooses and creates his own, plural identity and defines his present and even more, his future. The fact that in post-modern époque individuals manage or try to find restrictions of wider group collectivities and their identities trough their own ways of living doesn’t mean that individuals in this époque really reached the stadium of freedom where they can freely commit to building of alternative social values and orders.

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