
Although the Revised European-American Lymphoma Classification does not utilize the term monocytoid B-cell Lymphoma, there are numerous reasons to support its use in classifying lymphomas of so-called marginal zone B-cell type that contain a distinct population of malignant monocytoid B-cells. In addition, there are other B-cell lymphomas which have very distinctive morphological features, because they show multiple and very well demarcated histologies characterized by presence of cells that appear to be (1) malignant monocytoid B-cells and malignant follicular center cells, or (2) malignant monocytoid B-cells, malignant follicular center cells and malignant plasma cells, or (3) malignant monocytoid B-cells and malignant mantle cells. The neoplastic cells in each of the above three examples show identical light chain restriction and thus they are part of the same neoplastic clone. We believe that there are different types of precursor B-cells (memory or otherwise) for the above cells, and an arrest in differentiation of these precursor B-cells may readily explain the presence of these different morphological combinations. Recognition of these morphological types may lead to further awareness of the possibilities of the existence of multiple, linked pathways of differentiation for lymphoid cells including the possibility of different types of precursor B-cells. Furthermore, an understanding of the uniqueness of monocytoid B-cells would allow pathologists to use terminology that is less redundant and more precise.

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