
The dominant forces, the torchbearers of civilizations in America, have always silenced marginal voices.Thereligious books have always been the instrumental foundationsfor the whites to retaindominance across the world. Ruthlesswhites like the Aryansdefeated the nativesand enslaved them in their trap. They enforced slavery and imbibed the superstitious notions and outdated religious rituals that never allowed the oppressed to question its authorityon the base of reason and science. In the twentieth century, the emergence of revolutions and the movements for the human rights of the African Americans forced the imperialists to accept democratic values, implement, and administer them in the countries. Under the influence of the dominant oppressive forces, thewhiteskept the downtrodden and oppressed people ignorant about it. The pains and problems of the people did not end with the abolition of slavery and untouchability in both the countries but continuedhorribly in racist, classist, and sexist society. The vintages of slavery resulted from the race and caste are still on display in the slums.The humble dwellers in the slumsstruggle never ending problems caused by the elite dominated industrialism and capitalism in the metropolitan citieswhere there is hardly any room and scope for their growth and emancipation. Alice Walkers Strong Horse Tea voicesthe margins who were rejected and dejected for ages. This paper is an attempt to throw light on the margins within the margins and voice the miserable livesof the oppressed, those who struggle against the oppressionandare silenced meticulously by the hypocritical ruthless masters.

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