
The purpose of the article. The article examines a marginal personality not as a deviant or borderline individual, but a person who transcends to a certain anthropological border. First of all, the emphasis is on social needs and Ukrainian identity. It is concluded that the marginal, by the very fact of its existence, is faced with a choice, since it is on the border of several wholes. The question of freedom of choice determines, in turn, freedom of action. It is an action that allows the marginal to be different. Freedom of action is realized by means of creating one's own “I” in the world of consciousness and social reality. Only freedom of expression depends on the marginal in order to be different. Only in this case, all those opportunities, granted to him by his very marginal position, open up before him, endowing the person with the ability to go beyond the standardized, stereotyped framework. The purpose of the article is to explore the marginal personality in all the versatility of its manifestations. The methodology consists of the use of intro- and extra-perspective approaches in the study of a marginal personality in the modern cultural space. Scientific novelty. The phenomenon of marginality consists of the expansion of ontic origins as the basis of the individual's self-identification. Conclusions. The phenomenon of marginality is revealed as the basis of the individual's self-identification. The consonance of marginality to such categories as “alien”, “other” is shown, conditions that contribute to the creation of a marginal situation are determined and analyzed. In particular, the phenomenon of marginality has been investigated as a condition and consequence of sociocultural dynamics. The causal relationship also correlates with the functional significance of the phenomenon.

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