
Summary. The article deals with the activities of Marcus Licinius Crassus as a triumvir and the consequences of his participation in the triumvirate. The methodology of the study is based on the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, general scientific and special historical methods: analysis, synthesis, problem-chronological and the method of historical reconstruction. The scientific novelty is that for the first time in the Ukrainian historiography the article considers the activity of Marcus Licinius Crassus as a triumvir and his achievements of his participation in the triumvirate. With Caesar and Pompey’s support Crassus reached the consulate for the second time taking control of the province of Syria, which was the culmination of his political and military career. The conclusions are as follows. Crassus’ political position was strengthened with the foundation of the triumvirate, but his political dividends were initially the most modest compared to those received by Caesar and Pompey. This exacerbated the contradictions between him and the other members of the triumvirate. The triumvirs managed to settle disputes and restore unity at a conference at Lucca in 56 BC, after which the alliance of Caesar, Pompey and Crassus became obvious to all. Crassus received assurances of support for the fulfillment of all his desires and was able to implement everything planned, as well as the other members of the triumvirate. It was Crassus’ participation in an alliance with Caesar and Pompey and their support that allowed Crassus to achieve a second consulate, to gain control of the province of Syria and organize a military campaign against the Parthian kingdom.

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