
[Among Lin Piao's numerous works and speeches, two have stood out with special significance. One is his celebrated article Long Live the Victory of People's War, published in September 1965, in which he updated Mao's theory and strategy of revolutionary war. The other is a less well-known work, reproduced here. Published immediately after his official takeover of the leadership of the Ministry of National Defense in September 1959, the article constitutes an authoritative interpretation of the Maoist line of army-building. The priority of political and ideological work, the importance of the human factor, the emphasis on the PLA's participation in mass movements and socialist construction, and the principles of democracy and unity within the army are highlighted as the major features of the Maoist model. To Lin it was clear that modernization and improvement of the military should proceed only under correct and firm political leadership. This article was evidently used in part to repudiate the wrong l...

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