
No abstract available. Article truncated after 150 words. History of Present Illness The patient is a 73-year-old woman from Wisconsin seen in January 2024 for lung nodules. She had been followed by her physician in Wisconsin for lung nodules but had never had a biopsy or specific diagnosis. She reported that the nodules “waxed and waned.” Her Wisconsin physician suggested she be evaluated in Arizona. She has occasional cough attributed to paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, but denies sputum production, fever, chills or shortness of breath Past Medical History, Family History and Social History • Rheumatoid arthritis diagnosed in her 30s, although not currently on any treatment. • Breast cancer 2006, treated with chemoradiation • Osteoporosis • Family history: negative for lung cancer or other lung disorders • Social History: Lifelong nonsmoker Medications • None Physical Examination • Unremarkable Laboratory • Normal CBC • Cocci serology: negative • Rheumatoid factor: elevated 61 U/ml (normal < 15) • Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody: negative • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate: normal Radiology A thoracic CT of …

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