
In 2008, at the initiative of the World Health Organization, it was decided to celebrate Sleep Day on every second Friday of the full week of March. In 2023, this date falls on March 17. Don’t be surprised at such an unusual holiday: on average, we spend a third of our lives sleeping, and the importance of sleep is difficult to overestimate. A person who has had a good night's sleep is usually full of strength and health, but if the night was spent badly, it is difficult to expect anything good from the coming day. A sleep-deprived person is characterized by extreme irritability, a decrease in working capacity, memory, and attention; such person has a bad mood in the morning and subsequently all day [1]. The month of March was not chosen by chance as many note fatigue from a prolonged winter, frost, lack of sunlight, slush under their feet, and vitamin deficiency. Healthy and high-quality sleep helps to cope with these troubles.

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