
AbstractBackgroundYounger‐onset dementia (YOD) has its onset at <65 years old, represents 5% of all dementias and affects people and their families during significant productive years of life. People living with YOD and their caregivers face unique challenges, and can feel isolated, less supported and at higher risk of depressive and anxiety symptoms. There is a scarcity of interventions for both caregivers and people with YOD. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and music therapy (MT) have evidence‐based positive effects in older adults with dementia and their caregivers, but are yet to be trialled in younger people. MT may be perceived as less threatening and motivate engagement. Social networking may also be a useful forum for sharing content and has been previously utilised in caregiver support groups.MethodMAPS is a 7‐week manualised online group program for people living with YOD and caregiver dyads. Weekly sessions (80‐90 minutes with a break) will be co‐facilitated by a psychologist and music therapist, and will include joint sessions with both members of the dyad (sessions 1 and 6), and separate sessions for the caregivers and the people living with YOD (sessions 2 to 5). The two major themes are: 1) Dealing with the challenges and changes associated with being a caregiver/living with YOD; and 2) Finding ways to be positive and focusing on the things they value. MAPS will utilise a combination of CBT techniques and MT methods, with the production of two songs per group and “homework”. A closed, private Facebook group will be used for sharing content and resources. The major outcome measure will be improvement in Depression Anxiety and Stress Scores, using the DASS21. Focus groups for qualitative feedback will occur in the final session, 7.ResultPendingConclusionIf successful this pilot has the ability to be expanded for larger outreach.

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