
Mammalian DNA folds into 3D structures that facilitate and regulate genetic processes such as transcription, DNA repair, and epigenetics. Several insights derive from chromosome capture methods, such as Hi-C, which allow researchers to construct contact maps depicting 3D interactions among all DNA segment pairs. These maps show a complex cross-scale organization spanning megabase-pair compartments to short-ranged DNA loops. To better understand the organizing principles, several groups analyzed Hi-C data assuming a Russian-doll-like nested hierarchy where DNA regions of similar sizes merge into larger and larger structures. Apart from being a simple and appealing description, this model explains, e.g., the omnipresent chequerboard pattern seen in Hi-C maps, known as A/B compartments, and foreshadows the co-localization of some functionally similar DNA regions. However, while successful, this model is incompatible with the two competing mechanisms that seem to shape a significant part of the chromosomes' 3D organization: loop extrusion and phase separation. This paper aims to map out the chromosome's actual folding hierarchy from empirical data. To this end, we take advantage of Hi-C experiments and treat the measured DNA-DNA interactions as a weighted network. From such a network, we extract 3D communities using the generalized Louvain algorithm. This algorithm has a resolution parameter that allows us to scan seamlessly through the community size spectrum, from A/B compartments to topologically associated domains (TADs). By constructing a hierarchical tree connecting these communities, we find that chromosomes are more complex than a perfect hierarchy. Analyzing how communities nest relative to a simple folding model, we found that chromosomes exhibit a significant portion of nested and non-nested community pairs alongside considerable randomness. In addition, by examining nesting and chromatin types, we discovered that nested parts are often associated with active chromatin. These results highlight that cross-scale relationships will be essential components in models aiming to reach a deep understanding of the causal mechanisms of chromosome folding.

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