
Holtekamp bridge which is located in Jayapura region between Hamadi and Holtekamp Village in the Northern part of Papua Island. The region constitutes an active earthquake zone with the recurrence frequency and magnitude of the earthquake are relatively high. The region is located on an active fault zone. The seismotectonic setting in the region is directly implied to the calculations of the seismic design for engineering and design purposes on building and non-building structures including Holtekamp bridge in Jayapura city. To recognize a characteristic of the earthquake at the site of interest, the historical earthquakes (background) data surrounding the study area. Local microtremor measurements data are analyzed by means of a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). Deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) using some ground-motion models in attenuation relationship equations. In resulting of seismic hazard parameter as represented by peak ground acceleration (PGA), values in earthquake scenario at operating basis earthquake (OBE), maximum design earthquake (MDE), and maximum credible earthquake (MCE) conditions. These values are used as a reference to evaluate the compliance of the current technical aspects with the new required design facing the updated seismicity parameters.

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