
Clove oil extraction has garnered increasing attention for its diverse applications, ranging from traditional medicine to the food and cosmetic industries. This paper presents a comprehensive bibliometric review aimed at mapping the evolving landscape of clove oil extraction research. By systematically analyzing a wealth of scholarly publications, the advances, challenges, and future directions in this field. Our bibliometric analysis encompasses key dimensions, including publication trends, prolific authors and institutions, prevalent research themes, and methodological approaches are highlighted. The review identifies notable advancements in clove oil extraction methodologies, shedding light on novel techniques and innovations that have shaped the research landscape. Concurrently, challenges such as standardization, sustainability, and economic feasibility are scrutinized, providing a nuanced understanding of the current limitations in the field. Furthermore, we delve into emerging research directions and propose avenues for future exploration. The synthesis of this bibliometric review not only consolidates existing knowledge but also serves as a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in the sustainable development of clove oil extraction. Through this mapping exercise, we aim to guide the trajectory of future research, fostering innovation and addressing the challenges associated with this vital aspect of essential oil production.

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