
Photocurrent in quantum materials is often collected at global contacts far away from the initial photoexcitation. This collection process is highly nonlocal. It involves an intricate spatial pattern of photocurrent flow (streamlines) away from its primary photoexcitation that depends sensitively on the configuration of current collecting contacts as well as the spatial nonuniformity and tensor structure of conductivity. Direct imaging to track photocurrent streamlines is challenging. Here, we demonstrate a microscopy method to image photocurrent streamlines through ultrathin heterostructure devices comprising platinum on yttrium iron garnet (YIG). We accomplish this by combining scanning photovoltage microscopy with a uniform rotating magnetic field. Here, local photocurrent is generated through a photo-Nernst type effect with its direction controlled by the external magnetic field. This enables the mapping of photocurrent streamlines in a variety of geometries that include conventional Hall bar-type devices, but also unconventional wing-shaped devices called electrofoils. In these, we find that photocurrent streamlines display contortion, compression, and expansion behavior depending on the shape and angle of attack of the electrofoil devices, much in the same way as tracers in a wind tunnel map the flow of air around an aerodynamic airfoil. This affords a powerful tool to visualize and characterize charge flow in optoelectronic devices.

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