
are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes including foetal overgrowth and increased risk of metabolic disease in the offspring. Our aim was to investigate the effect of a low glycemic index (GI) versus a conventional high fibre (HF) diet on pregnancy outcomes and neonatal body composition in women at high risk of developing GDM. 139 women (mean± SD age: 34.7± 0.4 y; prepregnancy BMI: 25.3± 0.5 kg/m2) at high risk of GDM (age≥ 35 yr, family history of type 2 diabetes, ethnicity, previous GDM or BMI≥ 30 kg/m2) were randomised to follow a low GI (LGI, n = 72; target GI≈ 50) or a high fibre, moderate GI diet (HF, n = 67; target GI≈ 60). Women were enrolled at 14—20 weeks gestation (mean 18 weeks). Dietary intake was assessed by 3-day food records at study entry. Neonatal body composition was measured by air displacement plethysmography using PeaPod®. Pregnancy outcomes were collected from medical records. The dietary intervention did not result in any differences in birth weight (LGI 3270± 50 vs HF 3260± 60 g, p = 0.906), ponderal index (LGI 2.71± 0.03 vs HF 2.69± 0.03 kg/m3, p = 0.958), birth weight centile (LGI 46.2± 3.2 vs HF 42.8± 3.3, p = 0.888), %fat (LGI 10± 1 vs HF 10± 1%, p = 0.347), or adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, increased maternal BMI (p = 0.02), mode of delivery (p = 0.01) and mother’s dietary GI at baseline (p = 0.035) were predictors of a higher birth weight z-score. In intensively monitored women at high risk of GDM, a low GI diet and a conventional high fibre diet produced similar pregnancy outcomes. However, maternal BMI and a high GI diet in early pregnancy appear to increase birth weight. These findings suggest that interventions to improve pregnancy outcomes need to begin prior to conception.

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