
This article reports on the alignment between the foundational domains and the delineation of practice (DoP) for health informatics, both developed by the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA). Whereas the foundational domains guide graduate-level curriculum development and accreditation assessment, providing an educational pathway to the minimum competencies needed as a health informatician, the DoP defines the domains, tasks, knowledge, and skills that a professional needs to competently perform in the discipline of health informatics. The purpose of this article is to determine whether the foundational domains need modification to better reflect applied practice. Using an iterative process and through individual and collective approaches, the foundational domains and the DoP statements were analyzed for alignment and eventual harmonization. Tables and Sankey plot diagrams were used to detail and illustrate the resulting alignment. We were able to map all the individual DoP knowledge statements and tasks to the AMIA foundational domains, but the statements within a single DoP domain did not all map to the same foundational domain. Even though the AMIA foundational domains and DoP domains are not in perfect alignment, the DoP provides good examples of specific health informatics competencies for most of the foundational domains. There are, however, limited DoP knowledge statements and tasks mapping to foundational domain 6-Social and Behavioral Aspects of Health. Both the foundational domains and the DoP were developed independently, several years apart, and for different purposes. The mapping analyses reveal similarities and differences between the practice experience and the curricular needs of health informaticians. The overall alignment of both domains may be explained by the fact that both describe the current and/or future health informatics professional. One can think of the foundational domains as representing the broad foci for educational programs for health informaticians and, hence, they are appropriately the focus of organizations that accredit these programs.

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