
This research dissertation investigates the pivotal role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in revolutionizing teaching methodologies and engaging learners actively. Focusing on aspiring educators specializing in French language and mathematics for the secondary cycle at Regional Center for Education and Training Professions (CRMEF) in Rabat, the study aims to assess their ICT skills. The primary objective is to determine if these prospective educators possess the essential competencies to effectively incorporate ICT into their teaching. The research relies on a questionnaire designed with sections emphasizing ICT mastery aligned with the teaching/learning objectives outlined in the "ICTE" module of their initial training program. Additionally, it explores the application of these tools during the participants' teaching internships. Data analysis revealed several key findings. Firstly, most aspiring educators exhibit familiarity with technological tools connected to the Internet. Secondly, a majority of respondents acknowledged receiving ICT training during their CRMEF education. Thirdly, many future educators asserted their proficiency in digital educational resources and their adeptness at integrating them into teaching practices, supporting the initial hypothesis. Lastly, while a substantial number of teachers integrated ICT in their internships to enhance learner motivation, others refrained due to inadequate computer infrastructure in schools. This research highlights both the potential and challenges associated with integrating ICT in educational settings and emphasizes the importance of equipping future educators with comprehensive ICT skills to enrich teaching methodologies and student engagement.

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