
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other people (LGBT+) individuals may have a greater risk of experiencing mental and physical health issues. In the past years, the predominant theme of research was HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This study aimed to explore the most recent patterns in medical research concerning LGBT+ persons. A bibliometric analysis using Biblioshiny was conducted. Based on previous studies, years of observation ranged between 2008 and 2021. Web of Science Core Collection was used. A total of 31,039 articles were selected. Top journals centered around HIV/AIDS and STIs (n = 6), followed by sexual behaviors/sexuality (n = 2) and LGBT+ health (n = 2). The US led in research output (n = 16,249). Papers were categorized into three main clusters (which showed different evolution across time): one addressing HIV/AIDS, STIs, and sexual behaviors, another focusing on mental health, discrimination, and stigma, and a third, smaller cluster examining transgender, intersex, and gender-diverse health. This article highlighted a growth in LGBT+ health research, uncovering research disparities among countries. While HIV/AIDS and STIs still dominated, a crucial theme concerning mental health, discrimination, and stigma has been rising. Declining interest in gender-diverse health, and disparities in research attention to different LGBT+ subgroups, underscored the need for more comprehensive and inclusive research to address complex health disparities.

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