
In this paper, we study the influence of an original airship design on its stability modes. Based on the verified model of the YEZ-2A airship, the Sobol sensitivities are calculated to filter the design parameters. The airship hull length, the slenderness ratio of the airship hull, the exponent of the tail, the fin installation position on the hull, and the fin half-span are found to be of large influences on all stability modes, whereas the stability modes are comparatively insensitive to the exponent of the bow and the fin relative thickness. The empirical formulas for mapping relationships are fitted to the experimental data and are verified by both sensitivities and root locus diagrams. The empirical formulas representing the mapping relationships between the original design parameters and the stability mode parameters of the airship can be used as references to simplify and estimate the stability and performance in the preliminary design of the airship.

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