
Numerous Quaternary faults are found in north-central Iran with an insignificant history of seismic activity. Having either strike-slip or thrust mechanisms, these faults are potentially active and therefore capable of creating destructive earthquakes. In this paper, Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images were used, for the first time, to map these Quaternary faults located in an abandoned area to the west of Kavir Plain in north-central Iran. We also demonstrate the use of satellite imagery to identify Quaternary faults in an unpopulated area using geomorphological features, such as deformed quaternary alluviums, deflected stream channels, shutter ridges and sag ponds, and also fault scarps. The major mapped faults have two main northwest and northeast trends. These faults are following the trends of their counterparts in the eastern and western Alborz range. Despite the evidence of activity in the Quaternary faults, no large earthquakes have been recorded in the study area and therefore they can be considered as only potentially active faults. This is because of the lack of historically recorded earthquakes in the abandoned area in the past centuries or to extensively developed evaporate layers at depths that cause most of the recent deformations to occur aseismically.

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