
The research is an outline of vehicular emission of Ring Road, Kathmandu, Nepal and it’s impact on general public’s health. Nepal has ranked 16th position out of 131 countries in terms of worst air quality. Kathmandu has 8 times higher the WHO annual air quality guideline value in PM2.5 concentration in 2022. This research has been conducted using quantitative method, the primary data was recorded by using open Seneca air quality monitoring device for the real-time measurement of PM2.5. Similarly, For PM10the data was collected by recording the vehicle passing through the selected sites. The study comprises that particle pollution is maximum in Shankhapark and minimum in Sinamangal. This study then estimates the emission of PM2.5& and PM10 by different vehicles such as: two-wheeler, bus/truck, minibus, taxi/car, jeep/van/microbus. The maximum amount of PM2.5 was emitted by gasoline vehicle including two-wheeler, taxi/car and minimum amount by bus/truck, minibus, jeep/van/microbus. Similarly, maximum amount of PM10 was emitted by bus/truck, minibus, jeep/van/microbus and minimum by two-wheeler and taxi/car. It was found that, the particulate matter (PM) doesn’t comply with the standard given by NAAQS, WHO and NVMES. The results are higher than that of standard given by NAAQS, WHO and NVMES. The study concludes that increase in particle pollution is caused by increase in different types of vehicles in the city and still using old vehicle for transportation. It also recommends for the use of electric vehicle, better quality fuels (high octane) in fuel station, promotion of public transportation and enforcement of high euro emission standard for the control of vehicular emission.

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