
The article discusses the main methods of assessing environmental balance on the urbanized territories of the model section of the city of Irkutsk through a system of quantitative assessments and expert verbal characteristics of the processes under study based on geostatistical data. An inventory was carried out and a database of spatial and non-spatial data was compiled on the basis of cadastral division of the territory, types of land use, functional types of development were identified, the engineering and transport infrastructure, the location of industrial enterprises, recreation areas, recreation and improvement were assessed. Functional types of categories with varying degrees of anthropogenic impact, socio-ecological significance and regulatory and legal affiliation have been allocated: environment-forming, neutral, influencing and regulating, as well as local areas of environmental stability. Spatial data are represented as a vector topological model of data, surfaces and isolines, attribute data are represented as a set of MapInfo tables, with which it is easy to perform restructure operations - changing the structure and composition of data tables and structured queries.

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