
Malaria is an acute and chronic infectious disease caused by Plasmodium infection that attacks erythrocytes and is characterized by the discovery of asexual forms in the blood with symptoms of fever, chills, anemia and enlarged spleen. Buton Regency is a district with an Annual Parasite Incidence (API) that is less than 1 per 1000 population for 4 consecutive years and is a low endemic area. This study aims to determine the level of receptivity of malaria transmission areas in Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This type of research is descriptive observational with a cross sectional study approach. The results showed that there were 3 species of Anopheles identified in adult mosquitoes, namely An.Minimus, An.Indifinitus and An.Kochi. Habitat Index (HI) of Anopheles vector, sp > 1, breeding places for Anopheles vector wallows, rivers, ditches, ponds, rivers, swamps and rice fields with the characteristics of the presence of temporary and clear water, moss and mud, with a pH of 6 on a scale 6-6.5 and zero salinity. Vector confirmation by PCR is negative for all species. It was concluded that the level of malaria receptivity in Buton Regency, especially in the Village of Face Jaya, was at a moderate receptivity level.


  • Malaria is an acute and chronic infectious disease caused by Plasmodium infection that attacks erythrocytes and is characterized by the discovery of asexual forms in the blood with symptoms of fever, chills, anemia and enlarged spleen

  • This study aims to determine the level of receptivity of malaria transmission areas in Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province

  • The results showed that there were 3 species of Anopheles identified in adult mosquitoes, namely An.Minimus, An.Indifinitus and An.Kochi

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Pemetaan Reseptivitas Malaria di Kabupaten Buton Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

Mapping of Malaria Receptivity Areas in Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. ABSTRAK Malaria merupakan suatu penyakit infeksi akut maupun kronik yang disebabkan oleh infeksi plasmodium yang menyerang eritrosit dan ditandai dengan ditemukannya bentuk aseksual dalam darah dengan gejala demam, menggigil, anemia dan pembesaran limpa. Kabupaten Buton adalah kabupaten dengan Annual Parasite Incidence (API) sudah kurang 1 per 1000 penduduk selama 4 tahun berturut-turut dan termasuk daerah endemis rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat reseptivitas wilayah penularan malaria di Kabupaten Buton Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Jenis Penelitian adalah observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi Cross-Sectional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nyamuk dewasa ditemukan 3 spesies Anopheles yang teridentifikasi yaitu An.Minimus, An.Indifinitus dan An.Kochi. Indeks Habitat (HI) vektor Anopheles, sp > 1, tempat perindukan vektor Anopheles kubangan, sungai, parit, kolam, kali, rawarawa dan sawah dengan karakteristik keberadaan air sementara dan jernih, terdapat lumut dan lumpur, dengan pH air adalah skala 6-6,5 dan salinitas nihil. Konfirmasi vektor dengan PCR adalah negatif untuk semua spesies. Disimpulkan bahwa tingkat reseptivitas malaria di Kabupaten Buton khususnya di Desa Wajah Jaya berada pada tingkat reseptivitas sedang.

HASIL Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Desa Wajah
Umpan Orang
Angka gigitan nyamuk per orang per malam sama
Characteristics and Differences Larva Habitat
Kejadian Malaria di kecamatan Waigete
Nyamuk Anopheles di Desa Maukeli
Terhadap Persebaran Kasus Malaria di Kecamatan
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