
Batang Tampo Irrigation System (DI Tampo) area 1,437 ha, has 65 irrigation service are in Sub Basin Batang Tampo. Main river in Sub Basin is 25 km and a part of Sub Basin Kuantan-Inderagiri. This area lied on hilly terrain 350-2262 m above sea level. Normaly, cropping intensity of rice farms is 2 to 2,5. But in dry period in downstream area it has 1 or failed because of water stress or dried. Even The rainfield area is not planted in the period of dry season. The area of rice field along the river or irrigation system show that it has better cropping intensity. It should have to know how is irrigation service capacity of Batang Tampo Irrigation System. Technology of Remote Sensing it can be used to evaluate of the capacity of irrigation sevice by using of information data satelite, like Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for topografi data, image, land level and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and rain (Herdianto dkk., 2010). This data usely combine with Geographic Information System (GIS) for spacial information data. This study aims to map the ability of DI Tampo service by utilizing remote sensing technology with a vegetation index as its main parameter, upstream - downstream variations, variations otf the position rice farms land level (Hilly or Valley) or terrain land level, and distance of rice fields from irrigation water sources. The method to identification of the capacity irrigation service is EVI by remote sensing and survey by the farmers to verivication data. Hydrology data is collected by the authority. Rice field area is identified by GIS and topography data by DEM. EVI value, which is a representation of photosynthetic activity and canopy density of paddy cropped or cropping intensity on paddy field each year. Average EVI data is collect for five years (2012 – 2017, excepted 2015). The result of this research shows: Irrigation service capacity influences by the topography of rice farms, mainly in the upstream. In upstream, some area of rice field was not cropped of paddy (different crop) because of water scarsity and different land level of rice farm (Hilly and river). In the downstream Irrigation service capacity influences by the distance of paddy field from the water resource.

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