
Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah/MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, thereafter called MSMEs) is one of the business sectors playing significant roles in the economic growth of Indonesia. The increase of MSMEs pushes the State Minister for Cooperatives, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) to encourage MSME performance by enhancing their quality. One attempt taken is to apply information and communication technology, especially social media, to promote the products. In reality, many MSMEs lack sufficient understanding of social media usage in business. As a result, many MSMEs have difficulties identifying online media consumer behavior in developing their marketing strategies. This researchattempts to map consumer behavior in social mediaand explores how MSMEs can capitalize on the marketing powers of social media. This research uses a netnography method for mapping online consumer behaviour. Primary data are collected from observations of online interaction between consumers and sellers (MSMEs). The results are analyzed using Philip Kotler’s Consumer Behavior Model and Kozinet’s Online Consumer model.

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