
The Dehua gold ore-field, located in the central-eastern Fujian Province, SE China, is an important part of the renowned Dehua-Youxi-Yongtai gold ore production area. The ore-field contains several low-intermediate sulphidation epithermal gold deposits and numerous gold-bearing mineralized bodies. The extensive presence of intensely altered rocks, suitable structural environment, acidic intrusions and volcanic-subvolcanic rocks indicates an important potential for epithermal gold mineralization. In this work, fluid inclusion homogenization temperature and alteration mapping was carried out by fluid inclusion microthermometry in quartz and identification of alteration minerals closely related to the known mineralization. The result shows the trend of temperature contour curves as well as the shape of low argillic alteration zones implying that the area north of Qiucun might be profitable for future mineral exploration. The fluid and alteration mapping, in combination with soil geochemical mapping, defines the architecture of the epithermal-porphyry ore-forming system in the Dehua ore-field. Finally, the presence of intensely altered areas, high value zones of hydrothermal fluid flows and combined anomaly areas of multi-element association indicate that the region north of Qiucun has an important potential as a preferred target area for gold prospecting in the Dehua ore-field.

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