
Mapping gender violence narratives in the Northern Triangle of Central America In the Northern Triangle of Central America (comprising Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador), the level of violence has risen in recent years, placing its population, but especially women, in a more vulnerable position. Currently, all three countries are known as the most violent countries on the planet and they rank as the first, third and sixth countries with the highest rates of feminicides worldwide. Drawing on Judith Butler’s notion of the differential distribution of precarity, this chapter analyses the different representation of violence against women in the works of Maria Eugenia Ramos (Honduras), Claudia Hernandez (El Salvador), and Regina Jose Galindo (Guatemala). The different forms in which these works portray violence suggest that in the Northern Triangle there is an extensive history of gender inequality and impunity toward crimes against women. This works also portray how in the Northern Triangle countries the intersectionality of class, race and gender a long with political repression has shaped an environment of continued violence against women and their bodies.

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