
Global issues about the environment become a tranding topic and often heard in today’s era. There have been many reports of environmental damage occurring in Indonesia, ranging from floods, forest fires, waste handling problems, air pollution and landslides. So that it takes the care of the young generation for the environment from an early age by providing environmental education in schools. Environmental education given to students will have a positive impact, namely students are able to solve and prevent environmental problems they face. Environmental education will foster students’ environmental literacy. Environmental literacy is needed so that students are responsible and care for their environment. Therefore, it is necessary to instill environmental literacy in children from an early age through formal education, by integrating it in the learning process. One of them is by integrating through the subject matter that will be taught to students. The purpose of this research is to map the hidden environmental curriculum in the physics learning materials of senior high school grade X semester 2. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. This study describes the physics material for grade X semester 2 which contains environmental literacy. The data collection technique used in this research was through documentation study and the data analysis technique used in this study was the content analysis technique. The results of this study are in the form of an integrated environmental literacy matrix which can be used as a reference for physics learning tools.

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