
Graph theory (GT) is a mathematical field that involves the study of graphs or diagrams that contain points and lines to represent the representation of mathematical truth in a diagrammatic format. From simple graphs, complex network architectures can be built using graph operations. Topological indices (TI) are graph invariants that correlate the physicochemical and interesting properties of different graphs. TI deal with many properties of molecular structure as well. It is important to compute the TI of complex structures. The corona product (CP) of two graphs G and H gives us a new graph obtained by taking one copy of G and V G copies of H and joining the i th vertex of G to every vertex in the i th copy of H . In this paper, based on various CP graphs composed of paths, cycles, and complete graphs, the geometric index (GA) and atom bond connectivity (ABC) index are investigated. Particularly, we discussed the corona products P s ⨀ P t , C t ⨀ C s , K t ⊙ K s , K t ⊙ P s , and P s ⊙ K t and GA and ABC index. Moreover, a few molecular graphs and physicochemical features may be predicted by considering relevant mathematical findings supported by proofs.

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