
Depressive disorder is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, with a high prevalence and chronic course. Depressive disorder carries an increased risk of suicide. Alterations in brain structure and networks may play an important role in suicidality among depressed patients. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive method to map white-matter fiber orientations and provide quantitative parameters. This study investigated the neurological structural differences and network alterations in depressed patients with suicide attempts by using generalized q-sampling imaging (GQI). Our study recruited 155 participants and assigned them into three groups: 44 depressed patients with a history of suicide attempts (SA), 56 depressed patients without a history of suicide attempts (D) and 55 healthy controls (HC). We used the GQI to analyze the generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) and normalized quantitative anisotropy (NQA) values in voxel-based statistical analysis, topological parameters in graph theoretical analysis and subnetwork connectivity in network-based statistical analysis. GFA indicates the measurement of neural anisotropy and represents white-matter integrity; NQA indicates the amount of anisotropic spins that diffuse along fiber orientations and represents white-matter compactness. In the voxel-based statistical analysis, we found lower GFA and NQA values in the SA group than in the D and HC groups and lower GFA and NQA values in the D group than in the HC group. In the graph theoretical analysis, the SA group demonstrated higher local segregation and lower global integration among the three groups. In the network-based statistical analysis, the SA group showed stronger subnetwork connections in the frontal and parietal lobes, and the D group showed stronger subnetwork connections in the parietal lobe than the HC group. Alternations were found in the structural differences and network measurements in healthy controls and depressed patients with and without a history of suicide attempt.

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