
This paper aimed to develop a systematic geomorphological mapping and characterization of part of the ecoregion Raso da Catarina, Bahia and environs using geomorphological mapping methodologies enshrined in national (ROSS, 1990 and 1992), supported by technical and methodological in geomatics (remote sensing and geographical information system). As the main material used to map the data were obtained by remote sensing as the Digital Elevation Model DEM Program SRTM / NASA resolution 90 m. The resolution of the DEM were reÞ ned to 30 m using kriging, since that was generated by maps of slope, hipsometric and Shaded Relief (auxiliary products for characterization and mapping). This was followed by the methodological assumptions of Ross (1992), reaching up to 4rd characterize taxon proposing mapping on the scale 1:100,000. The 3rd and 4th taxon was foreclosed by tracing on screen and identiÞ ed by determining the rate of dissection of relief through the preparation of topographic proÞ les automatically and interactive GIS software, was the perceived effectiveness and practicality of this procedure. This disclosed the possibility of applicability of Geomatic allied methodologies devoted to geomorphological mapping.

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