
Start of tourist activity in the world is connected with the appearance of the first organized trip. They were mainly related to the organization of visits of pilgrims of different countries which were then related to the life of Jesus, as well as Rome, the seat of Christianity. Great controversy was, and still today is being led, over whether the pilgrims areat the same time tourists. This paper analyzes the first map that followed the journey of pilgrims to Rome, and was made to mark 1500th anniversary of the birth of Jesus. These maps were made by Erhard Ertzlaub, and by their content and artistic expression, aesthetic experience and used iconography, it can be concluded that these are the first tourist maps of the world: they are intended for passengers "passers", which in this way are oriented, they want to visit certain places, which are marked with cartographic symbols, and which are understandable and recognizable. On the same map there are signs for calculating distances between settlements-all that one tourist needs. The dilemma of whether a pilgrim is at the same time a tourist here is clear: the pilgrim is on the road more than 24 hours, on that jouney he spends, and duringthat time he had a specially-crafted geographic map. The conclusion is simple: Map Ertzlaub is for these special passengers and is the forerunner of tourist maps. It is characterized by the properties necessary for the modern tourist maps. There are spaciousness, measurability, modelity, accuracy, integrity and aesthetics.

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