
In this paper, we consider a class of delay reaction–diffusion equations (DRDEs) with a parameterε>0. A homogeneous Neumann boundary condition and non-negative initial functions are posed to the equation. By letting, such an equation is formally reduced to a scalar difference equation (or map dynamical system). The main concern is the relation of the absolute (or delay-independent) global stability of a steady state of the equation and the dynamics of the nonlinear map in the equation. By employing the idea of attracting intervals for solution semiflows of the DRDEs, we prove that the globally stable dynamics of the map indeed ensures the delay-independent global stability of a constant steady state of the DRDEs. We also give a counterexample to show that the delay-independent global stability of DRDEs cannot guarantee the globally stable dynamics of the map. Finally, we apply the abstract results to the diffusive delay Nicholson blowfly equation and the diffusive Mackey–Glass haematopoiesis equation. The resulting criteria for both model equations are amazingly simple and are optimal in some sense (although there is no existing result to compare with for the latter).

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