
Gears are used in the design of modern machines extensively. These gears are of various types according to their tooth profiles and tooth widths, and can be manufactured in various sizes as small as the ones in small appliances to the very large gears used in heavy industry. In addition, some of the gears have proven benefits, and universally accepted standard manufacturing methods have been developed in time for these gears. However, researchers have always made more experiments, believing that there is no end in science, and have performed research activities in order to contribute to the science a little more. And numerous researches have been carried out on the gear wheels, and many successful studies have been presented. In this study, involute profile cylindrical gears were manufactured at the CNC milling machines and the results were evaluated. The idea that these involute profile cylindrical gears can be manufactured at the CNC milling machines by two different methods, which are completely different from the present manufacturing methods, was proposed by other researchers. Although these gears were proven useful by the researchers, they were not widespread because of the previous unsuccessful methods developed for their production.

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