
AbstractThe present study aimed to produce frozen dessert containing plant-based milk (almond, hazelnut, and lupine) and the probiotic Lb. acidophilus bacteria and to evaluate the chemical, microbiological and sensory properties during the 90 day-storage. Frozen dessert antioxidant capacity at day 0 and 90 of evaluation and changes in the phenolic compounds based on variations between different species were significant (p < 0.05). The differences in Lb. acidophilus counts between storage days were significant and values ranged from 4.15–8.99 log CFU/mL on the first day of storage to 3.61–7.06 at the end of the storage. Regarding the results of general acceptability in sensory evaluation, the highest color, taste and aroma scores was determined on day 0 in the hazelnut-lupine milk frozen dessert sample whereas the lowest was determined on day 30 in the almond-lupine milk frozen dessert sample. The samples with the highest antioxidant capacity were found on day 90 day in lupine frozen dessert (87.28 ± 0.007 mM) whereas the samples with the lowest antioxidant capacity were found on day 0 in the almond-hazelnut-lupine frozen dessert (18.83 ± 4.56 mM). Plant-based milk is considered suitable for the main ingredients in ice cream production, due to its health benefits its potential to be consumed as frozen dessert.

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