
In pursit of accurate and high fidelity simulation, the reference model of ITER is becoming more and more detailed and complicated. Due to the complexity in geometry and the thick shielding of the reference model, the accurate modeling and precise simulaion of fusion neutronics are very challenging. Facing these difficulties, SuperMC, the Monte Carlo simulation software system developed by the FDS Team, has optimized its CAD interface for the automatic converting of more complicated models and increased its calculation efficiency with advanced variance reduction methods To demonstrate its capabilites of automatic modeling, neutron/photon coupled simulation and visual analysis for the ITER facility, numerical benchmarks using the ITER C-Lite neutronic model were performed. The nuclear heating in divertor and inboard toroidal field (TF) coils and a global neutron flux map were evaluated. All the calculated nuclear heating is compared with the results of the MCNP code and good consistencies between the two codes is shown. Using the global variance reduction methods in SuperMC, the average speed-up is 292 times for the calculation of inboard TF coils nuclear heating, and 91 times for the calculation of global flux map, compared with the analog run. These tests have shown that SuperMC is suitable for the design and analysis of ITER facility.

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