
Introduction: The authors reveal the opportunities for a diagnosis and treatment with the methods of manual medicine of a muscle very often responsible for the cases of muscle dysbalance in the thoracolumbar passage, lumbar region and the lower extremities. In addition, the anatomic position and function of the muscle very often lead to the association of the clinical symptoms with other deceases. Objectives and tasks: Accomplishment of an effective treatment algorithm for dealing with the problem. Materials and methods: We have executed on a group of patients the most common techniques of manual diagnostics and have discovered the chain links between the observed pathology and other regions of the vertebral column - the thoracolumbar and lumbosacral passages. We also have shown the results of the manual therapy techniques applied - postisometric relaxation (PIR) as well as manual manipulation for the chain-linked blockages. The authors reveal the possible combinations of manual medicine and physical factors. Results: Of the 44 patients included in the study by 37 (84,09%) a pathology of the iliopsoas muscle has been found. By 36 of the mentioned 37 patients a complete relief of the pain symptoms has been achieved and by all of the patients with a change of the posture normalization occurred. Conclusion: The final results of the investigation prove the effectiveness of the exercised clinical approach in dealing with the pathology of m.iliopsoas. The manual diagnostics has proven itself as a leading method of tracking of the somatic dysfunction of a muscle, the effects of the applied PIR techniques decisively excelling the medication with non-steroid drugs.

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