
OF ITEMS 16 THROUGH 20: A. The number o f f lu id power inst ructors teaching the courses range f rom one to four wi th a few inst i tu t ions report ing that a l l of thei r inst ruc­ tors teach the f lu id power courses at one t ime or another . B. The number o f Cooperat ing Industry Plant Schools var ies f rom zero to three or more wi th a few inst i tu t ions report ing that th is factor var ies f rom t ime to t ime. C. The number o f undergraduate courses avai lable in f lu id power var ied f rom one to s ix wi th several inst i tu t ions indicat ing that a uni t in f lu id power is of fered in conjunct ion wi th another course such as power mechanics and s imi lar courses. D. The number o f undergraduate quarter hours of credi t reported var ied f rom three to th i r tytwo. Some of the courses wi l l be of fered for the f i rs t t ime beginning in the 197172 academic year. Several inst i tu t ions re­ ported that an undergraduate course in f lu id power is required in thei r program. Several inst i tu t ions reported that some of thei r undergraduate f lu id power courses could be taken as independent s tudy, for graduate credi t under cer ta in condi t ions, and s imi lar c i rcumstances. E. The number o f graduate quarter hours of credi t reported var ied f rom one to f i f teen wi th several inst i tu t ions report ing that t i ie i r undergraduate courses may be taken for graduate credi t under cer ta in c i rcumstances. A few inst i tu t ions reported that thei r graduate level courses are of the independent s tudy type. F. General comments indicated that several inst i tu t ions are going to of fer one or more undergraduate and graduate level f lu id power courses in the near future (wi th in three years) ; however, the quest ionnaire d id not a l low for a speci f ic date when the courses would begin.

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