
Mystery and contradictions surround what is known of this builder, who was responsible for the construction of some of the most impressive Baroque organs in Portugal. These include the organ in the University of Coimbra Chapel (1732-33), the organ for the Church of the Cistercian nuns at Arouca (1739-43), and an organ for Viseu Cathedral (1721-22). Numerous builders have worked on the Santa Cruz organ since Gomes' reconstruction of it in 1719-24, and although the mechanics of the organ have been much altered, it is probable that the appearance and sound for the most part remain authentic. The Arouca organ, although recently renovated, in most respects conforms to its original specifications1. The original design of the University of Coimbra organ is not known. The number of registers may be close to the original but according to documents in the University archives, the winding and mechanics were much changed in the late 18th century to remove flaws in the design. The Viseu organ was replaced in 1808 and no useful details of it remain. References in documents from Viseu Cathedral state that Gomes came from Valladolid in Castile. The same documents and others from Arouca, and the University of Coimbra, confirm that his activities in

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