
Human serum contains lectins which inhibit the uptake of mannose- and N-acetylglucosamine-terminatede glycoproteins by isolated rat hepatic sinusoidal cells. In these experiments, calcium-dependent and calcium-independent human serum mannose-binding proteins have been isolated by affinity chromatography using mannan linked to four different supports. In electroblots both calcium-dependent and -independent serum mannose-binding proteins bound radioiodinated mannan and invertase in the presence of calcium ions, but the binding of calcium-dependent serum mannose-binding proteins was abolished by EDTA. Chicken antibodies were raised against serum mannose-binding proteins and an ELISA was developed. The principal calcium-independent serum mannose-binding protein is mannose-specific IgG as judged by immunodiffusion and electroblotting with anti-human IgG antibodies. The calcium-dependent serum mannose-binding protein is probably the secreted form of an intracellular hepatocyte mannose-binding protein since: (1) antibodies raised against the 30 kDa subunit of the calcium-dependent serum mannose-binding protein also bound 30 kDa subunits of whole liver homogenate and purified human liver mannose-binding protein; (2) antibodies to the human liver mannose-binding protein bound to the 30 kDa subunit of the calcium-dependent serum mannose-binding protein; and (3) the binding specificities of the calcium-dependent serum mannose-binding protein for N-acetylglucosamine and fucose as well as mannose, and its recognition of the core region of an oligosaccharide rather than only the peripheral sugars, were identical to to those reported for the hepatocyte mannose-binding protein. The physiological ligands of these serum mannose-binding proteins are unknown but they could bind noxious glycoproteins which enter the circulation prior to their removal by the sinusoidal mannose receptor.

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