
Palm seedlings are visually selected from mature fruits in a slow process that leads to nonuniform germination and high embryo mortality. In this study, we determined the levels of monosaccharides, their crystallinity, and their role in the formation of Euterpe edulis endosperm during seed maturation. Seeds harvested from 108 to 262 days after anthesis (DAA) were analyzed morphologically, physiologically, and chemically to measure soluble and insoluble lignins, ashes, structural carbohydrates, degree of crystallinity, and endo-β-mannanase. The seeds achieved maximum germination and vigor at 164 DAA. During the early stages, only compounds with a low structural order were formed. The contents of soluble and insoluble lignins, ashes, glucans, and galactans decreased during maturation. Those of mannans, the main structural carbohydrate in the endosperm, increased along with the degree of crystallinity, as suggested by a mannan-I-type X-ray diffraction pattern. Similarly, endo-β-mannanase activity peaked at 262 DAA. The superior physiological outcome of seeds and seedlings at 164 DAA implies a 98-day shorter harvesting time. The state of mannans during seed maturation could be used as a marker to improve seedling production by E. edulis.

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