
In this study we report on manipulation of nucleation by means of periodic modulation of the growth rate, R , during molecular beam epitaxial growth of Si on Si(l11). We have found that the bilayer (BL)-by-BL growth can be improved by applying the R-modulation synchronized with the nucleation and that the phase of reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) intensity oscillations can be shifted independently of the bilayer (BL) deposition. A beating phenomenon of the RHEED oscillations was observed, which can be attributed to the superimposed effects of the R -modulation and the regular BL-by-BL growth. We have used the phenomenological correspondence between the surface step density and the RHEED oscillations as a basis to discuss the growth. By employing a kinetic solid-on-solid Monte Carlo model without vacancies and overhangs all significant experimental features could be simulated.

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