
AbstractRecent observations of nontrivial spin textures and topological Hall effect (THE) in 2D van der Waals (vdW) ferromagnets have stimulated high interest in both fundamental physics and prospective spintronic applications. However, effectively manipulating spin textures and their exhibiting THE, which is the prerequisite for topology‐based 2D vdW devices, remains challenging. Here, the effective manipulation of the magnetic bubbles and THE is achieved in Fe5GeTe2 (FGT) crystals by utilizing Lorentz imaging and electrical transport measurements. The density and size of magnetic bubbles can be modulated effectively as the temperature and lamella thickness change, indicating the role of magnetocrystalline anisotropy and long‐range magnetic dipolar interaction is demonstrated, respectively. More importantly, the spin configurations of bubbles along with THE signal vary with sample thickness, demonstrating a topological transition between skyrmion bubbles and trivial bubbles. The key point lies in the presence or absence of Bloch lines in the stripe domain at different thicknesses. This study presents the reliable manipulations of spin textures and THE in FGT, which may provide valuable insights into the design of 2D vdW devices in spintronics.

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