
It was first realized by Purcell (1) that the spontaneous emission rate of a quantum system can be enhanced or suppressed by placing it in a resonant radiofrequency cavity. Spontaneous emission as it was first theoretically described by Einstein (2) is not a pure property of matter. It is described by matter coupled to quantized radiation field modes, which can be manipulated in an artificial structure such as a cavity. Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) is used to describe such effects that intimately depend on the fact that light is made of photons. Cavity QED has been extensively studied in atoms and the experimental proof was awarded with the Nobel Prize in 2012 (3). It has been applied to cooling of single atoms and for the detection of single atoms and creating and studying states with few photons and few atoms (4). In more recent developments these ideas have been extended to manipulate electronic states (5) and vibrations in molecules (6, 7). In PNAS, Flick et al. (8) introduce recent theoretical developments for the application of cavity QED to molecules and suggest possible novel applications to photochemistry. These include nonadiabatic dynamics of molecules in cavities, the modification of molecular properties, and the integration of QED with density functional theory. A quantized electromagnetic field mode can be described as a harmonic oscillator whose coordinate is the electric field displacement (Fig. 1 A ). The zero point energy translates into a nonvanishing field intensity ⟨ e 2 ⟩ in the ground state | 0 ⟩ (vacuum fluctuations). The electric vacuum field increases for a small cavity volume e c = ℏ ω c V ϵ 0 , [1] Fig. 1. ( A ) Illustration of the standing wave cavity mode and the resulting field quantization (Fock states). ( B ) Combined matter-field states (dressed states, | ± , n ⟩ … [↵][1]1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: smukamel{at}uci.edu. [1]: #xref-corresp-1-1

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