
This paper establishes a methodology for obtaining the general solution to the spacecraft relative motion problem by utilizing the Cartesian configuration space in conjunction with classical orbital elements. The geometry of the relative motion configuration space is analyzed, and the relative motion invariant manifold is determined. Most importantly, the geometric structure of the relative motion problem is used to derive useful metrics for quantification of the minimum, maximum, and mean distance between spacecraft for commensurable and noncommensurable mean motions. A number of analytic solutions as well as useful examples are provided, illustrating the calculated bounds. A few particular cases that yield simple solutions are given. Nomenclature a = semimajor axis E = eccentric anomaly E = follower orbit e = eccentricity F = follower perifocal frame f = true anomaly I = inertial frame i = inclination Jk = Bessel function L = leader-fixed frame M = mean anomaly n = mean motion n0 = fundamental frequency R = leader position vector R = relative motion invariant manifold r = follower position vector W = distance function α = normalized semimajor axis μ = gravitational constant ρ = relative position vector � = right ascension of the ascending node ω = argument of periapsis ω = angular velocity vector |·| = vector norm �·� = signal norm Superscripts � = leader ∗ = relative orbital element

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