
within rather than imposed from withoutwe are no longer free to choose the self we evolve and create under the tyranny of the fascism of the mediatransforming us also into a commodity. Our identity is created by the media, we are treated as mere consumable objectswe have become a VIRTUAL self even to ourselves. A mockery of self-hood. My putting My-self into the film is quite deliberate-the film is about the theft of the self by Media images-me, Alberta, M. Monroe, Kennedy etc.thus my role in the film is a parody of a self-the self that dares to be a voyeur filming everything and everyone else (many of them enacting performances in theatre, poetry, music, street protests), everything becomes ritual, SACRED PERFORMANCE. Everything and everyone becomes a performance on the virtual stage, the sage of the Media's multiple network of transparent screens ... a kind of collective of submission, collective prostitution. I put the IMAGE of myself in the filmnot myself. A parody of myselfa self so engulfed by the film process I was creating and enacting, a routine which I know is so utterly subversive that I must be seen to be acting/performing(q.v., the film Performance ).2 So I present myself, a sacrifice, as an actor acting in a movie, enacting a naive boy-meets-girl movie love story. (Reminding the audience of the possible illusion that this film cannot be a real film without the predictable romantic narrative thread developed around

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