
10BK.1 T clone cells of (B10 x B10.BR)F1 genotype specifically react to peptides of OVA, frequently encountered in OVA preparations, and to the synthetic peptide OVA257-264 in an H-2Kb-restricted manner; the T clone cells produce lymphokines and proliferate in the absence of added APC, suggesting self-presentation of the Ag by the T cells. In accordance with their CD8+ CD4- phenotype 10BK.1 cells exhibit cytotoxic capacity. When the target cells were pretreated with OVA257-264 only cells bearing H-2Kb molecules were lysed. However, when the relevant OVA peptide was present during the 4-h 51Cr release assay 10BK.1 cells lysed target cells expressing H-2Kb molecules as well as target cells lacking H-2Kb elements. Likewise, 10BK.1 cells pretreated with OVA257-264 for 1 h and washed extensively to remove residual Ag were able to kill syngeneic and allogeneic target cells. Killing of allogeneic targets in the presence of Ag was inhibited by antibodies directed at H-2Kb. Allogeneic target cells were not killed when 10BK.1 cells were stimulated by peptide-pulsed syngeneic cells. Triggering of the TCR/CD3 complex of 10BK.1 cells was involved during the activation phase but not during the lytic phase. IL-2 did not participate in the MHC-unrestricted killing event. To explain the observed MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity of 10BK.1 cells, the following model is proposed. In an initial step 10BK.1 cells present the relevant OVA peptide to one another in a H-2Kb-restricted fashion. The cells are thereby triggered to mobilize the lytic machinery. In a second step sensitized 10BK.1 cells lyse allogeneic target cells. Thus, the MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity can be dissected into an MHC-restricted phase of 10BK.1 cell activation and an MHC-unrestricted lytic phase. Cytotoxic T cells with Ag self-presentation functions may account for tissue damage during bacterial infections.

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