
Urological diseases are one of the reasons that lead to reduced quality of life, disability and premature mortality and create a number of socially significant issues. In the last two decades it was observed that intensive development in methods of diagnostics and treatment of renal diseases in pediatric nephrology has led to decrease of mortality level among patients. Therefore, the number of children with these pathologies has risen in dental practice. Children suffering from chronic kidney disease require particular attention from dentists. This is due to renal disturbance has a negative effect on dentoalveolar system. It can be manifested as structural jawbone changes, temporomandibular joint function disturbance, periodontal and oral mucosal diseases, salivary composition, quality, quantity and consistency characteristics changes, dental hard tissues defects, pulp calcification due to urological diseases. In this regard, it is highly important to exclude pathological focus in oral cavity in this group of patients. Based on this, such patients need specialized dental care. However, the lack of a systematic approach and understanding of the mechanisms of the dentoalveolar anomalies occurrence of patients with chronic kidney disease limits dentists in correct differential diagnosis and prevention of dental disease complications against the background of underlying disease. That is why the aim of this article - to inform dentists about full spectrum of dentoalveolar system changes in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease.

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